“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease."


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Back to Health Chiropractic (Quad City Area, Iowa)
210 5th St
Durant, IA 52747
Dr. Chrissy Albery, D.C.
Phone: 563-785-8070
Fax: 563-785-8055
Email: DrChrissyAlbery@gmail.com
Insurance Plans Accepted
Cell: 563-505-6399

What is a Thermography Scan (Digital Spinal Screen)?

A Paraspinal Thermal Imaging (Thermography Scan) is a safe, painless and reliable diagnostic test used to visually display spinal subluxations (misalignments of the spine). The device, used by Dr. Chrissy, measures the infrared heat emitted from the body's surface; without use of radiation. Unlike many other tests, thermography scans are unique in that they display how the nervous system is functioning on a digital reading. Since the health of the nervous system can determine the health of the body as a whole, this exam provides valuable diagnostic information helpful both to the doctor and the patient in understanding their underlying problem(s).

Dr. Chrissy uses the latest technology to make sure her patients are receiving the care they deserve!

Nervous System

The human body and all of its organs are controlled by the nervous system. These nerves run from the brain, down the spinal column, and innervate various organs throughout the body including the heart, the lungs, and even the skin.

Thermography Scans are just another way Dr. Chrissy sets herself apart from the rest!

Patients receiving thermography screenings can have their digital results emailed to them upon request.

Cervical Abnormal
Cervical Normal
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